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FRANK SIDEBOTTOM | Little Box Of Bobbins – Frank’s Fantastic Anthology 3CD set coming soon…

FRANK SIDEBOTTOM | Little Box Of Bobbins – Frank’s Fantastic Anthology 3CD set coming soon…

FRANK SIDEBOTTOM | Little Box Of Bobbins – Frank’s Fantastic Anthology 3CD set coming soon…

  • Featuring well over 100 songs.
  • The most detailed and definitive look at the career of cult hero Frank Sidebottom.
  • With an introduction by former bandmate Mark Radcliffe and an exclusive interview with Chris (Frank) Sievey's son Stirling.
  • As well as the interview, Stirling has also opened up the Sievey audio archive to provide 20 previously unreleased tracks of Frank performing at various gigs in Manchester from 1985-1988.
  • The compilation also includes, for the first time on CD, 16 tracks from Frank's EPs for Regal Zonophone from 1985-1986.

Disc 1 contains 'Frank Sidebottom's ABC & D... The Best Of...', Cherry Red's first Frank collection, initially released in 1999.

Disc 2 contains 'E, F, G & H. The Best Of... Volume Two', Cherry Red's 2009 follow-up.

Disc 3 is made up of 36 tracks that have never been on CD before with 20 of those never having been released at all.


'Frank Sidebottom's ABC & D... The Best Of...'

1. Anarchy in Timperley

2.  Timperley Blues

3.  Timperley Sunset

4.  Born in Timperley

5.  Surfin' Timperleya

6.  Next Train to Timperley

7.  Oh Timperley

8.  Wild Thing in Timperley

9.  The Robbins Aren't Bobbins

10.  Guess Who's Been on Match of the Day

11.  Mexico '90

12.  Estudiantes (Striped Shirts/ Black Panties)

13.  Puff 'n' Blow

14.  Hit the North

15.  I Should Be so Lucky

16.  Bohemian Rhapsody

17.  Frank Gordon

18.  Everybody Sings Queen

19.  We Will Rock You

20.  Radio Ga

21.  I Am the Champion

22.  Indie Medley

23.  The Monopoly Song

24.  Zoo Scrapbook

25.  Xmas Is Really Fantastic

26.  I Wish it Could Be Xmas Every Day

27.  Oh Come All Ye Faithful

28.  Xmas Medley

29.  What For From Me Mum

30.  Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite

31.  Flying

32.  Mull of Timperley

33.  It Was Nearly 20 Years Ago Today

34.  Twist 'n' Shout

35.  Blackpool Fool

36.  Mr. Custard

37.  Hey You Street Artist

38.  The Wonder of Me

39.  Firm Favourite Ads

40.  Mirror Man, Mirror Puppet / Gimmie That Harp Little Frank

41. Another Fantastic Banjo Song

42.  Electricity


'E, F, G & H. The Best Of... Volume Two'

1.  Panic

2.  Guess Who's Been on Match of the Day

3.  I Said Hey You Riot Policewoman

4.  I Should Be So Lucky

5.  Love Poem for Kylie

6.  Franks World (Theme)

7.  Mirrorman/Gimme That Harp Boy

8. Airplay

9.  TVR17

10.  Barber's Shop Quartet

11.  Electricity

12.  Fantastic Sea Shanty

13.  Firm Favourite Ads

14.  Of Puppets and Space and Decimal Currency

15.  I've Got Something to Shout About

16.  Mr Custard

17.  Tex Sidebottom

18.  I Said Hey You Street Artist

19.  Radio Timperley Phone-In

20.  Bohemian Rhapsody (The Bit I Missed Off My First EP)

21.  Bros Medley

22.  S.O.S.

23.  Timperley Travelogue

24.  Save Me

25.  Tummy

26.  Can't Help Falling in Love

27.  Monopoly Song

28.  Football Is Really Fantastic

29.  Guess Who's Been on Match of the Day [Live]

30.  1812 Overture

31.  God Save the Queen


Bonus Tracks


1. Anarchy In The U.K.

2.  Material Boy

3.  Every Breath You Take

4.  Popular Medley

5.  Oh Blimey It’s Christmas

6.  Christmas In Australia

7.  Old Lang Zine

8.  In The Summertime

9.  Oh Supermum

10.  I’m The Urban Spaceman

11.  Sci-Fi Medley

12.  Space Is Ace

13.  Roger Robot

14.  Fireball XL5

15.  Life On Mars

16.  The Theme Tune From Close Encounters Of The Third Kind PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED

17.  Magic Trick (Manchester 22/03/1985)

18.  Séance and Little Frank (22/03/1985)

19.  Love Missile (22/03/1985)

20.  We Love You (22/03/1985)

21.  No Train To Brooklands (Manchester 27/02/1988)

22.  Fireball XL5 (27/02/1988)

23.  Space is Ace (27/02/1988)

24.  Hey Jude (27/02/1988)

25.  Timperley 969 1909 (27/02/1988)

26.  Little Frank (28/05/1988)

27.  Caravan of Love (28/05/1988)

28.  Spider Puppet (28/05/1988)

29.  Talking Parrot (28/05/1988)

30.  The Ginger Baker Book of Jokes (28/05/1988)

31.  Spanish Harlem (28/05/1988)

32.  Jailhouse Rock(28/05/1988)

33.  Elvis is Really Fantastic (28/05/1988)

34.  Barbara Ann (28/05/1988)

35.  Hound Dog (28/05/1988)

36.  We’re Gonna To Write Some Invitations (29/09/1988)